
Showing posts from June 7, 2010


chemisty chemistry is very interesting deal with chemical bahavior of substanses. it has many branches as listed organic chemistry inorganic chemistry analytical chemistry physical chemistry applied chemistry nuclear chemistry bio chemistry textil chemistry envirmental chemistry first we will discuss some basics things about chemistry . The pH it have very important roll in our life. most of our body functions and so many industrial process around us based on pH. to understand pH we first have to know about acids and bases. acid: an acid is a spcies that provide H+ ion in aquas media or which accept a lone pair of electrons. i.g HCl,H2SO4 HCl-------->H + + Cl - here H+ is an arhenus acid.begause it provides a H+ ion. base: a base is species that provides -OH ions in aquas media, or which donates a lone pair of electron.i.g NAOH, kOH NAOH-------->Na + + OH- here NaO