
Showing posts from June 22, 2016


Ozone O 3    is a gas having low boiling point.It is present in a small  concentration throughout  the atmosphere . UNITS The amount of the Ozone in the atmosphere is expressed in Dobson units(DU). The normal amount of overhead ozone is about 350 DU. PRESENCE: The stratosphere where the ozone layer exist in the atmosphere is approximately at 15 to 40 KM altitude and is just  above the troposphere which extend to an altitude of 0-15 KM. from the earth. The temperature in the troposphere decreases with the increasing altitude from 15 to -56 degree. It is because the air near the earth is heated up by radiations re-emitted from the earth . Where as the temperature in the stratosphere increases with the increases of altitude ; -56 to -2 degree. The Ozone is the main chemical species which is present in the stratosphere which absorb the ultraviolet radiation and increases the temperature of the upper part of the ozone layer. ADVANTAGES: The ozone layer, 25-28 KM high ,

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